How to Become a Good Story Teller

Hello guys!
Now, I want to give some advice for you about "story telling". I bet, all of you are afraid to become a story teller. It's because that you are not so confident about your English or you can't do an act. But story telling is not about how is you act or how is your pronunciation. It's about how you served it to the audiences. Now, I will tell you my advice to become a good story teller.

  1. Be Confident!
    It's the first steps to become a good story teller. Because if you are not so confident about your style or your voice or your face or anything, it's not good for you. When you tell the story with not confident, the audiences will be bored, and they will ignore you. So, this is the must!!
  2. Use a Funny Voices for Your Cast
    This is the second steps. If you want the audiences gives attention to you, use a funny voice for your cast. For example use your deepest voice for a Monster. Give voice that suitable for it. So the audiences will give more attention to you!
  3. Use a Doll
    If you can't act, use a doll for replace it. That will make the audiences know the story line clearly.
  4. Act as Well as You CanIf you really confident with you acting skills, do it to make the storyline clearly. The audiences will give more attention to you if you do that. It's better than using a doll.
  5. Understand the Story That You Will ServedIt's really important thing! If you really understand about the story, you will served it confidently. If you forget about the script, you can improve your speaking skills with says anything that you want because you really understand about the story.
  6. Always Look at Your AudiencesDon't give the audiences you back! If you do that the audiences will ignore you, because it's like you tells that story for yourself, not for them
  7. Don't Look The Audiences as A Strange People But Look Them as Your FriendsIt will be really helpful for your confident. If you look them as you friends, you will do a funny movement for them. It's true, the joking skills will always improved when you are with you friends!

    So that are the tips for become a good story teller. I hope it's really helpful for you :)

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